Midlife Reinvention: Embracing Change and Positivity

Welcome to another episode of Age of Reinvention! Today, we’re joined by the incredible Dr. Anna Litovkina—a Distinguished Professor at Hans Selye University, multilingual author, and a true beacon of optimism! Anna takes us on her journey from linguistics to positive psychology, sharing cross-cultural insights, the power of humor, and real-life tips for living a fulfilled life. If you're ready to add more joy to your day and learn about midlife reinvention, this episode is for you!



Hi, I am Emily Bron.

After living and working in 4 countries (3 continents), experiencing several immigrations, changing several professional fields and being an avid traveler, I created International Lifestyle Consulting to help you to find the best matching place and to relocate abroad for a better quality of life, work, or retirement.

As a professional Baby Boomer and Remote worker, I am relocating again!

On Key

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