Optimizing Your Time, Maximizing Your Life

Welcome back to another enriching read on the Age of Reinvention, where we delve into the art and science of redefining freedom, lifestyle, and purpose in midlife. In today's post, we explore the compelling insights shared by David Buck, an expert in business development and lifestyle design and author of the transformative book The Time Optimized Life. Join us as we uncover practical advice on crafting a life of intention and joy through effective time optimization.



Hi, I am Emily Bron.

After living and working in 4 countries (3 continents), experiencing several immigrations, changing several professional fields and being an avid traveler, I created International Lifestyle Consulting to help you to find the best matching place and to relocate abroad for a better quality of life, work, or retirement.

As a professional Baby Boomer and Remote worker, I am relocating again!

On Key

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